Bamboo Baby Blanket’s Review: Tula, Nicki’s Diapers, and Best Bottom
Hindsight is 20/20 Even With Baby Products
As a parent do you ever have moments where you say to yourself, “Man! I wish I knew that back then.”? I do, and I find it is happening more and more in regards to small business company’s. Sometimes I think about all the money I could have saved if I had just known about a certain company. (Or a superior product not found in a big box store.)
One of those products I have spent tons of money on trying to find the best ones are baby blanket’s. Children use blankets ALL THE TIME. (Heck I like a nice blanket to cuddle up with every once in a while.)
From the time they are born and swaddled to when they are older, children use or cuddle with a blanket almost every day. Blankets need to be soft, durable, and affordable. Through trial and error, I have found bamboo blankets to be one of the best for using with children. Bamboo blankets are light, soft, airy, but also can keep you warm.
Below are just a couple of the best bamboo blankets, or swaddle blankets I have found on the market. (It also helps they are made by amazing companies.) I hope the information below will help you in your hunt for the best blanket for your child.

Tula Bamboo Baby Blanket’s
You may have already heard the name Tula floating around, but this is for a reason. While Tula blankets are on the more expensive side, $25 for a single blanket and $65 for a 3 pack, they make a REALLY nice blanket. Their blankets are 47″ x 47″, and made of viscose from bamboo. These blankets are SOFT, and they only get softer as you wash them.
I did not know about Tula blankets when I had my daughter. Only after I switched over to shopping at small natural parenting stores did I even learn about Tula blankets. For months I contemplated purchasing one for my daughter, but I could not get past how expensive they were.
When I did finally get my hands on one, through a sale at my favorite small natural parenting store, I finally knew why they are loved by so many. The only down side, because bamboo blankets are thin, is they can snag on things. Sometimes very easily, and with a cost of $25 a blanket it can be devastating.
So while I highly recommend Tula blankets, I also recommend grabbing them when they go on sale. Either on Tula’s website at the end of the year, or purchasing them using your rewards points from your local natural parenting store. (If you don’t have rewards points yet at your local natural parenting store then I suggest you wait for a special offer. Some shops will have triple point days or certain amount off with order, to purchase.)

The Tula Company
Another great thing about Tula blankets is who makes them. Tula blankets are made in Poland. The great thing about the factory in which they are made is that they employ those with special needs. (Actually over half of the employees employed at this specific Poland factory are special needs.) If you would like to know more you can read about Tula blankets and where they are manufactured by clicking here.
Nicki’s Diapers/Best Bottom Bamboo Baby Blanket’s
If Tula blankets are absolutely out of your price range then a great replacement can be found in Bamboo baby blanket’s made by Nicki’s Diapers and their other company Best Bottom. While not as soft and thick as Tula blankets they are more affordable, and come in pretty adorable prints. They are 50″ x 45″, made of 100% Rayon from Bamboo, and Nicki’s Diapers Bamboo blankets run from $11.95 – $19.95. (Price depends on print) Best Bottom Bamboo blankets are $15.95.
Nicki’s Bamboo blanket Best Bottom Bamboo Blanket
Even though Nicki’s and Best Bottom are owned by the same company their Bamboo blankets are different. They all have their own different prints and feel different. (After purchasing one of each I personally feel the Best Bottom bamboo blanket is slightly softer than Nicki’s Diaper’s bamboo blanket.)
Nicki’s Gives Back
Another great feature of the Nicki’s Diaper brand is their Hope Love Care program. For every Nicki’s brand cloth diaper or bamboo swaddle purchased Nicki’s donates one cloth diaper or bamboo swaddle to a child in need. (Best Bottom product are not included in this program.) You can find Nicki’s Diaper’s and their products by clicking here.
Do You Have a Favorite Bamboo Blanket?
I really hope the above information has introduced you to new companies and helps you in your search for an amazing/affordable blanket for your children, or for you. If you own one of the above bamboo blankets mentioned, or a different brand, I would love to hear why you love it. <3
Also, if you are a cloth diapering family make sure you check out my review of Lighthouse Kids Company Cloth Diapers!
I never got a super soft bamboo blanket for Babystar — I didn’t even know that it was a thing! I only remembered pilly cotton receiving blankets from the LAST CENTURY when I last had babies. ? Whoops. Great review!