Sponsored: Dean’s Beans Coffee Review – A Great Cup of Coffee With A Purpose
I used to purchase coffee almost every day from major coffee chains. Personally, I was shelling out money left and right on coffee I wasn’t 100% satisfied with. I was getting caffeinated, but I was only getting an okay cup of coffee and felt the coffee was missing something. I had a regular drip coffee maker at home, but it couldn’t make the coffee I liked. Or was it I couldn’t make a cup of coffee I liked? What about the coffee itself? How about all of the above! Haha!
I actually learned I wasn’t buying good coffee once I purchased a semi-decent coffee maker, and started to educate myself about coffee as a whole. Educating myself about coffee was an eye-opener. It led me to try more local coffee shops that carried beans from different roasters and trying different brewing styles. One of those Roasters I discovered is Dean’s Beans.
Dean’s Beans
I discovered Dean’s Beans inadvertently. I went to a local Birth and Babies Fair and their swag bag contained a small bag of Dean’s Beans coffee specifically created for that event. Having never heard of this company I gave it a try and it was delicious. (Dean’s Beans is a coffee roaster based in Orange Massachusetts.) Since then I have tried two more of their whole bean coffees, courtesy of Dean’s Beans, Arctic Sunrise and Moka Java, and neither one disappoints.

The Coffee: Arctic Sunrise
Arctic Sunrise is one of their medium-dark roast coffees and it is smooth and bold. I cannot tell you how smooth this coffee is. It is really hard for me to
describe because it is that smooth. When I drink it all I can think of is when
Sean Connery, as James Bond, says his line. “Bond, James Bond.” (I know it sounds corny, but I told you it was hard to describe! Haha!) I normally go for medium roast coffees but Arctic Sunrise is where it’s at.
If you like cream and sugar in your coffee but that’s not all you want to taste then this roast is for you. It definitely holds up to cream and sugar allowing you the ability to actually taste the coffee, and it’s not bitter. Sometimes I find I have to add salt to my coffee to help alleviate bitterness, but I don’t have to with Arctic Sunrise.
Moka Java
The other roast I had the pleasure of trying is their Moka Java. It is one of Dean’s Beans medium roast coffees, and it is light and slightly sweet, to me, and maybe the coffee that helps me learn how to drink black coffee. When I opened up the bag it smelled so good, and I love it when this happens. Drinking coffee is so much more than just drinking coffee.
It is a process that hits all of the 5 senses, and the smell of Moka Java wakes you up and makes you want to start grinding beans to make a cup of coffee. When I first made a cup of Moka Java I used the same amount of cream and sugar I usually use, but it was too much. I have learned I can cut the amount of cream and sugar in half. Which is awesome.
The Company
Another great thing about Dean’s Beans coffee is if your local coffee shop doesn’t serve/sell their beans you can purchase them online. You can buy whole bean or ground, and you can even purchase the grind that best fits your brewing style. (Normal – auto-drip or cone filter, coarse – french press, or fine – espresso.) Dean’s Beans sells both Arctic Sunrise and Moka Java in 1 lb. bags of either whole bean or ground coffee for $9.99. This is an amazing price because a 12 oz bag of coffee in the grocery store can run you around $11.99 a bag or more. I really wish Dean’s Beans was local to me because I would love to sit down with Dean himself to pick his brain on his coffee and his company.
A good cup of coffee vs. a great cup of coffee
Besides taste and price, there has been one question I personally have been noodling on, and that is what actually makes a good cup of coffee, a great cup of coffee? Of course, your brew style/coffee machine, water, and the beans all contribute to making a good cup of coffee, but I have found the roaster or company you purchase your coffee from is what adds that little extra that pushes that good cup of coffee into a great cup of coffee.
Fair Trade and Transparent Business Practices
Do the roasters or company you purchase from go above and beyond to make sure they are transparent on where they get their beans, how the beans are grown and their purchasing practices? What makes Dean’s Beans coffee go from just a good cup of coffee to a great cup of coffee is they take pride in their product and in being an organic and Fair Trade roaster. (Also Kosher!)
Many consumers, including myself, have become more aware and interested in where the products they are purchasing come from. For Dean’s Beans, they invest in the farms and farmers where they get their beans because they care and want to make a difference. Yes, Dean’s Beans sells coffee, but their motto says it all. “Specialty coffee as a vehicle for positive change.” (Dean) As consumers, we can use our purchase power as one of our vehicles for positive change and purchase from companies, like Dean’s Beans, who invest in Fair Trade and transparent business practices. If you are interested you can learn more about what Fair Trade means to Dean’s Beans on their website here.
So, next time you want more than just a good cup of coffee I recommend you look into Dean’s Beans. They make a great cup of coffee with a purpose. 🙂
Even though I received free product in exchange for my review all opinions are my own. I am an avid coffee lover, and make sure to research and try all recommended coffee products. I would not recommend a product or company I have not tried or do not like. If you are a mom who is looking for a good book to read while you drink your morning cup of coffee make sure you check out my review of Dorky Mom Doodles “Don’t Lick That!” book.
I was turned onto Dean’s Beans by my pastor in 2005. Up to then, I had already gotten wise to avoiding the canned coffees in favor of whole bean, fresher roasted coffee. I bought roasted from them only a couple more times as I discovered “green” beans on their site. I ordered them along with my 1st roaster and have been roasting my own since. Last week I ordered another 20 lbs of beans from them (half Nicaraguan and half Indonesian).
You will find that if the coffee is really fresh, it is not going to be bitter and can have a touch of natural sweetness in it.
Glad you discovered them too. They are a great group of people that not only provide you with a good cup of coffee, but also go the extra mile to help improve the lives of growers.
Carl – Thank you so much for your comment. Yes to the sweetness! I found Dean’s Beans coffee beans to be really fresh. Possibly the freshest I have had so far. I look forward to trying more of their different roasts. Thanks for reading. 🙂