Tips from an Avid Disney World Mom – Breastfeeding/Pumping Resources at Disney World Parks
My family and I love Disney World in Florida. Before having my daughter I personally had been to the parks multiple times, but after having my daughter I got to see a side of the parks I hadn’t seen before. A calmer, slower paced side that I never knew existed at Disney World. I was a new mom with a 3-month-old. I was an exclusive pumper so feeding my daughter was a little more cumbersome than just sitting down and breastfeeding her. If you are a pumper you know that you need some space, time to set up, and then time to pump. Where the hell was I going to find that at the Disney World parks?! I for sure was not going to sit in a bathroom stall to pump and there was no way that I could wait till we got back to the hotel. In this situation is when I felt the other side of Disney magic.
Disney Magic
Not the lights and technology side,but the customer service side. If you didn’t know Disney offers what they call Baby Care centers in every park. This is a place where you can find a plethora of baby care essentials. From diapers, wipes, pacifiers, pacifier clips,formula, snacks, and yes quiet. The staff is very welcoming and will try to accommodate any of your baby care needs. Did you need ice for your milk cooler? No problem! Need to feed your child in a high chair? No Problem they have some for you to use. (Lost your child? Well problem, but Disney staff will take them to the Baby Care center.) Below you will find a little information about the Baby Care centers. I have also listed them in order from my favorite to my least favorite. (I personally prefer one larger room to a smaller cramped individual room.)

Epcot’s Baby Care center can be found between Test Track and Mexico. It also shares the same building as First Aid. This Baby Care center was huge. It has an area for parents to sit and watch TV, changing station, feeding station with highchairs, and then it had a large nursing/quiet room with several rocking chairs,tables, and outlets. This room is not just perfect for nursing/pumping but also if you child is fussy and needs to take a nap.
Magic Kingdom
The Baby center here is located on Main Street U.S.A between The Crystal Palace Buffet and Casey’s Corner. (If you have hit the Castle you have gone to far.) This baby center is also right next to the first aid center and is a little bit smaller than Epcot’s Baby center.You have to sign in to go back to the nursing/quiet room, it has an area for parents to sit and watch TV, changing station, feeding station with highchairs, and the nursing/pumping room is L shaped with several rocking chairs facing the wall. While it is much smaller the room is quiet and if you have an older child that is in need of a nap this is an awesome place to go to catch one real fast.
Animal Kingdom
This Baby Care center is located to the left near the Tree of Life between Creature Comforts and Terra Treats. This center has areas for parents to sit and watch TV, changing station, feeding station with high chairs, and individual rooms where you can close the door and quietly nurse or pump. Again, this Baby center is located next to a first aid station.
Hollywood Studio’s
This park holds my least favorite Baby center. It is directly to the left when you enter the park. It shares a building with Guest Relations and a First Aid station. This Baby Center is the smallest. The nursing/pumping rooms, or cubicles because they are so small,are little spaces big enough for a rocking chair and small bench. There are no doors only a curtain for these nursing/pumping cubicles. It still has some of the other amenities such as a room to sit and watch TV, changing station,and feeding station.
More Information
For more information regarding these Baby Centers you can visit Disney Worlds website here. I personally wish the parks had multiple Baby Care centers per park. If you are on the other side of the park and want/need to go to the Baby Care center you have to hike to the front of the park. Maybe one day Disney? ; )
Cheers to a less stressful and magical family vacation!