Holiday Charity Giving Guide
Holiday Charity Giving
I was really torn about whether or not I wanted to do a couple of different gift guides this year, or not. I really could list what I thought were the best toys for babies, toddlers, teens, moms, and dads, but it seems like every blogger and their mother puts out a gift guide of some kind every year. So, I decided to put out two new gift guides, my Small Shop Holiday Gift Guide for Kids which you can find here, gift ideas for the coffee lover here, and update my Holiday Charity Giving Guide.
My husband and I make a conscious effort to teach our children that the holiday season is not just for receiving gifts, but also for giving back to others. I wanted to update this Holiday Charity Giving Guide post which rounds up just some of the charities/opportunities that my family has supported throughout the year, and where you will be able to take all of those gift guide posts/ideas, and give back to the community.

Charities that Give to Children in Need
Toys for Tots
The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve program is the first gift-giving charity that comes to mind when thinking of the holidays. You can walk into so many stores and see a Toys for Tots bin, and all the toys donated go back to those children in need in that community. The program usually helps children up to the age of 12, but you can check with your local chapter and see what their age range is.
Angel Tree
If you are in Maryland the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree is a great way to give back to those children and special needs adults that are in need during the holidays. You can go to the Salvation Army’s website to find a local mall or pick up location where you can pick up an Angel tree tag with the information and needs of a local child/special needs adult. You then purchase the items and return the items with the tag at a designated drop off location. Many local churches in Maryland also participate in the Angel Tree program as well.
Shoes that Fit
Shoes are really important. While it can be funny to hear people’s character-building stories about walking uphill in the snow to get to the bus stop, in reality, I believe shoes are important. Especially for school children. Shoes that Fit take donations in many ways. You can donate on their website, start a chapter in your area, and volunteer your time with the organization. Your donation then goes towards the purchase of new athletic shoes for children in need across the United States.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child
This is a charity that my children and I have been donating to for the last three years. You can donate on their website. Or build a shoebox full of items online, pick up a box, fill it with items and then return it to a designated pickup location. The boxes are shipped all over the world to children in need. The boxes can contain toys, hygiene products, clothes, etc. My children and I go to our local Chick-Fil-A at the beginning of November to pick up our box. We usually do two boxes. One for each of my children, and they get to pick out the items they think a child around their ago would like/need.
How You Can Help Further
If you do not have the monetary ability to donate to a charity during the holidays than donate your time. Volunteering at your local food bank, homeless shelter, women’s shelter, church, etc. is just as good as a monetary donation. You can also donate used items such as clothes, toys, books, etc.
I really hope this Holiday Charity Giving Guide has inspired you to give a little this holiday season. (Remember, holiday gift guides are a great start in finding items to donate!) If you already donate THANK YOU so much. Have a charity you would like to share with us? Go ahead and list them and their information in the comments so more people can see!
It’s so important to give back during the holidays. When so much of the holiday season is about getting, I love giving back. So many great charities to choose from- some I hadn’t considered! Thanks so much for sharing!! <3 Jamie
I love donating my time! And also especially donating blood around this time of year.
Absolutely genius. Well done and Happy Holidays.
I am really grateful for this list. Not for me but for all the kids out there! This might be boring but for christmas this year I am buying for everyone these special chocolate heart where the 100% of the money goes to the charity.
I love these ideas! Our church has done Operation Christmas Child for several years and all the childrens’ Sunday school classes help assemble the boxes. What a great way to be others focused this Christmas.
I had no idea Nicki’s diapers did this. I’ve purchased feom there a time or two. It’s great to hear!
I love these! Bookmarking this in case I need to access it in the future. I also have a list of local organizations like hospice and homeless shelters where we can serve. Every year, I like to go through our clothes (esp the kids) and donate the gentler used items to salvation army.