MommyCon Orlando 2017 Review
I have updated this post. I went to MommyCon Orlando in 2017, and some of the companies I had listed below are no longer in business so I have removed them. The giveaway has also been removed since it has ended.
MommyCon Time!
I just got back from MommyCon Orlando 2017 a couple of days ago and I have been itching to write about my experience. This year was extra special since my husband and daughter came with me, and because I was a part of the MommyCon Media Team. There were so many great vendors and speakers I was disappointed I wasn’t able to see them all. There was just so much to see and do! Here are my personal vendor and speaker highlights from my experience.
Lighthouse Kids Company
I was able to actually meet and chat with Vanessa the owner and creator of Lighthouse Kids diapers. These diapers are newish to the market, and I am predicting they will take off soon. I purchased one of their newer prints and it is gorgeous! These diapers are an AIO with a Bamboo and Stay Dry attached insert. It also comes with a booster. Here is their website.
Polyblox Totems
This product is a new take on those ABC blocks we all had as kids. You know the ones with letters, numbers, animals, etc. (My daughter has them and likes to build walls with them and knock them down like she is Godzilla.) Polyblox Totems come attached in totem form with capital and lower-case letters, pictures, Braille, and more. These are on my wishlist for my daughter.
Safari Ltd.
These toys are so awesome. They are educational toys and figurines of animals, mystical animals, dinosaurs, and more. They are affordable and adorable.
Babywearing 101 with Laura Brown of Ergo Baby
This was a really great down to earth talk about beginning babywearing. Laura Brown did a fantastic job of discussing the beginning ins and outs of front carry with many different carriers. (Wraps, ring slings, Meh Dai’s, and structured carriers.) Laura took her time, was funny, and answered questions. I wish she could have stayed longer and had a babywearing 102, 103, and so on classes.
Cloth Diapering 101 with Jennifer Labit presented by Cotton Babies
I am already a cloth diapering mom, but I love hearing stories from other cloth diapering families. A family should never have to make the decision of purchasing food or purchasing diapers. It was great to see Jennifer’s presentation on how cloth diapering saved her family money, and how cloth diapering helps to reduce your carbon footprint. I can attest that cloth diapering has saved my family $1,000 in our first year of using cloth. We will continue to save even more as we go into cloth diapering our second child.
Meeting Role Models
Abby’s Lane – I did not purchase anything at Abby’s Lane, but I did get to meet the owner Stephanie Daniels. (I had already hit my personal shopping limit before I was able to go to her booth. Haha!) She has been a role model of mine for a couple of years now and I was totally fangirling when I met her. She is just as gracious in person as she is online and I am so glad I had the chance to talk with her.
Smart Bottoms – Christina Malone is the owner of Smart bottoms, a very popular cloth diapering company. I again have been following her business and online cloth diapering community pages for a while, and I have seen her handle business situations with grace and patience. She is just as kind in person and it was an honor to get to meet her.
Grovia – It seemed everyone who went to MommyCon Orlando was there to shop at the Grovia booth! From the moment the vendor hall doors opened there was a line for Grovia. I had to wait for hours to be able to go up and speak with the ladies working the booth and to make my purchase. While I did shop the biggest reason I wanted to go to the Grovia booth was to meet Sabrina Azemar. Sabrina works for Grovia’s social media team and she is amazing. Her laugh and smile are infectious and it was great to be able to meet and talk with her. The online Grovia community is also one of the best online cloth diapering communities out there.
Getting to The Next MommyCon
If you ever have a chance to attend a MommyCon event it is totally worth it. Not just for the vendors, but also for the sessions and the community. If your budget is limiting your ability to get tickets for a MommyCon event make sure you check out my post on money-saving tips to get to the next MommyCon HERE!
I am sad to have missed mommycon this year. I have seen both of those sessions at previous years and they were both SO helpful to me! I met Stephanie from Abby’s Lane randomly at the mall one and she was super gracious. I shop her online store whenever I can! (Also big fan of Lil Tulips but Abby’s Lane is local-ish to me.) I’m surprised the long lines are at grovia now. They used to be at Smart Bottoms and Blueberry. I think all cloth diaper brands get their moment in the sun. (Every couple of weeks if you are doing it right lol.)
I’m glad you had a good time!
Looks like a mama’s dream!!