Sponsored: It’s A Party! A Beech-Nut® Naturals™ MommyParties™ Party That Is
Baby food. You think it would be easy to pick how, when, and what you want to feed your children. But it’s hard. You walk into the grocery store to the baby aisle and literally, half of the whole aisle is covered in different baby food selections. Which one do you choose?! You might think to yourself “I will just feed my kid what I am eating!”, and then you learn your own diet isn’t really as varied as it should be. Your next thought could be, “I will just make my own baby food!”, but then life happens and you look in the fridge/freezer and you forgot to make the baby food.
How do I know this? Because all of the above has happened to me. After my first kid, what did I learn? I learned, as a working mom, that it was ok that I did not make my baby food from scratch, and I learned all baby food is not created equal.
What’s in my cabinet
After much personal research, and looking at my baby food budget I found a couple of brands I liked, but only 1 you will consistently find in my cabinet and fridge. That baby food would be Beech-Nut®. I fed my first daughter Beech-Nut® baby food starting 2.5 years ago, and my second daughter has been eating it as well. So, when BSM Media asked if I would like to hold a Beech-Nut® Naturals™ MommyParties™ I was excited and said yes since the Beech-Nut® brand has served my family well over the years.

Why we love Beech-Nut® baby food
Before I tell you how my party went I want to tell you the top 3 reasons why we love the Beech-Nut® brand so much, and especially why the Beech-Nut® Naturals™ food. The tag line for Beech-Nut® pretty much sums up reason 1 for me. “Beech-Nut® Naturals.™ real food for babies.™” Because it is real food. There are just three ingredients in the Beech-Nut® Naturals™ just carrot, corn, & pumpkin food, and that is carrots, sweet corn, and pumpkin. I am not having to worry about ingredients I cannot spell or pronounce being in my child’s food because Beech-Nut® baby food is made out of real fruits and vegetables just like you would use at home. I also love the fact that my child is trying different foods that I would normally not purchase because we do not eat them in our house. (Like beets and guava. Haha!)

The 2nd reason is the food comes in glass jars. Which is great because you can recycle them or reuse them. In our house, I like to use them for arts and crafts for my oldest, or save them and use them as party favor containers for birthday parties. The 3rd reason is that Beech-Nut® baby food comes in such a wide variety of foods and at an affordable cost. Buying baby food should not break the bank, and with Beech-Nut® it doesn’t.
Beech-Nut® Naturals™ MommyParties™ Party
As I mentioned I was excited about the opportunity to share our love of Beech-Nut® baby food to all of the moms, dads, and caregivers that attended our party. I was able to share why my family loves Beech-Nut® baby food, just like I did above, and then everyone got to try some Beech-Nut® Naturals™ baby food, play some bingo, and make some crafts.
I love these kinds of parties because parents and caregivers get to talk, share, and learn from each other. Some individuals had not even heard about the Beech-Nut® company, or that they made baby food. Other’s had heard about Beech-Nut® but didn’t know they had other varieties and is also available in organic.
Everyone walked away with a goodie bag, courtesy of Beech-Nut®, full of Beech-Nut® Naturals™ baby food, jar cozy’s, spoons, and directions on how to make their own Beech-Nut® jar arts and crafts. (Just in time for Halloween!)
Thank you so much to Beech-Nut® for an awesome party, and also for making great food my children love to eat. <3
**Disclosure: Even though I received compensation/free product in exchange for holding a Beech-Nut® Naturals™ MommyParties™ party, and writing this post all opinions are my own. I am a parent myself and would never recommend a product I wouldn’t be comfortable using on or giving to my own children. We currently use Beech-Nut® products in our house and love them. 🙂 Looking to help stop your child from throwing their food? Click HERE to read my review of the EzPz Mini Mat!