Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Complete Series
Go, Ninjas, Go!
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As a child of the 80’s I grew up watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I LOVED the 90’s movies and will bust out singing Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go! in front of my kids, and then proceed to have to explain to them who Vanilla Ice is every time. Whenever a new movie or show comes out for the Ninja Turtles it’s a given I have to watch it. He is my review of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Complete series from Nickelodeon.

Review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Complete Series
This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV show is a little different than others I have seen. My kids can watch the heck outa the original animated Ninja Turtle TV show, but this newer one is slightly scarier, more violent, and uses words/phrases I would not like my kids to say to other people. (Phrases such as “You’re an idiot., etc.) I am also not a huge fan of this particular animation, but I do really like the stories.
There are 124 episodes in this compilation and unfortunately, our favorite mini-movie is missing from this set. Haha! We love the Blast to the Past mini-movie. Nothing can beat the Ninja Turtles when you throw Dinosaurs into the mix. Having said all of the above my kids do like the show and we have been watching the show from start to finish. I just make sure to sit down and watch it with them to answer any questions or be there to skip forward if they think it is getting a little scary.
My Rating
I would give this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show a C-. It’s not bad, but also not the best Ninja Turtles show out there. If you have sensitive kids this show is definitely a parent must-watch first type of show. Have you seen this show before? What did you think? Shop the DVD HERE! (Affiliate link)
DVD Synopsis
Mutants Rule! Emerging from their hidden lair in the sewers, teenage bros Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael face off against the most dangerous baddies and the most delicious pizza in New York City! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are martial arts masters-in-training on a mission to defeat all enemies, protect the innocent, and make it home in time to chill. With the help of powerful pals like April O’Neil, Casey Jones, and Ice Cream Kitty – plus the expert teachings of Sensei Splinter – it’s bros vs. foes when the heroes in a half shell take on Shredder, the Kraang, and the Foot Clan – one awesome attack at a time! This release features all 124 episodes of the 5-season series in one box set!
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