
Holidate Spoiler-Free Movie Review

Holiday movies here we come!

Holiday movies are some of my favorite movies. I could watch them all year long. Most come with a heartwarming message, or go the opposite route and offer tons of Holiday laughs. Some are cute and sweet, and some are straight raunchy and made for adults. Haha! Whichever way you like your Holiday movies they get you in the mood for the season, and just make the season that much better. My Holiday movie season has started, and while I watch a lot of movies that are kid-friendly I like to switch it up every now and then and watch movies that are just for adults. For my first Holiday movie this season I screened Holidate on Netflix. (Out now!) Here is my spoiler-free movie review!

Holidate Movie Review

My Review

Holidate has such a great concept for a Rom-Com movie. (The best way I can describe it is Bad Santa mixed with Friends with Benefits with a bit of Bad Moms thrown in.) Haha! Two people dislike the Holiday’s because they are either harassed by their families for being single or they just end up with bad dates on those Holidays. Somehow they find each other and make a promise to be each other’s Holidates so they don’t have to go solo to Holiday events. One of the things I love about Holidate is the movie knows exactly what it is, and makes fun of it. (It predicts itself.) The main character Sloane (Emma Roberts) even states in the movie what is going to happen. Haha!

One of the things I dislike about the movie though is it is predictable. It’s a double-edged sword. Haha! The movie did have me routing for Sloane and Jackson (Luke Bracey) to get together, but it had me groaning at them as well. The movie also had me feeling bad for one of the secondary characters who is a good person in the movie. Haha! Other parts of the movie were slightly disappointing. Some of the characters were very cliche, such as Sloanes Mom, they did not use Kristin Chenoweth to her full potential, and they added some unnecessary adult language and infidelity that does nothing to advance the story in any way. BUT if you are in need of an adult movie, and you are not a fan of the typical Holiday Rom-Com movie then Holidate is for you.

My Rating

Holidate is definitely an adult movie and not meant for kids. Haha! It does contain adult language, drug use, drinking, a little bit of gore/blood, and sex. So, what do I rate Holidate? I give Holidate a C+. While I feel Holidate has its shortcomings it also has some laughs and provides an alternative movie to those who are not big Holiday Rom-Com fans.

If you watch Holidate let me know how you like it in the comments!

Movie Synopsis

Sloane (Emma Roberts) and Jackson (Luke Bracey) hate the holidays. They constantly find themselves single, sitting at the kids table, or stuck with awkward dates. But when these two strangers meet one particularly bad Christmas, they make a pact to be each other’s “holidate” for every festive occasion throughout the next year. With a mutual disdain for the holidays, and assuring themselves that they have no romantic interest in the other, they make the perfect team. However, as a year of absurd celebrations come to an end, Sloane and Jackson find that sharing everything they hate may just prove to be something they unexpectedly love.


If you are looking for more holiday movies/shows on Netflix make sure you check out their Holiday watch list HERE.

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