Werewolves Within Movie Review: A Must Watch
A new cult classic!
I am calling it now. Haha! Some might already be fans of the movie before they even watch it because they play the video game. That’s right the movie is based on a video game of the same name, and after watching the movie I now want to play the video game. Haha! Some people may not have heard of the movie. There really wasn’t much advertisement for it and it makes me sad because Werewolves Within is a gem of a movie and a campy monster must watch. Werewolves Within is out now on VOD. (Worth every penny.) Here is my full Werewolves Within Movie Review!

My Werewolves Within Movie Review
Sometimes a movie is released that is the epitome of a campy B movie, but it turns into a phenomenon that continues to grow in popularity over time. Some examples of this type of movie are Tremors or The Evil Dead. Both have a cult following now and are popular. I feel Werewolves Within is one of these movies. While Werewolves Within is not a big-budget movie, and you can tell from the special effects, it is a highly entertaining campy Werewolf movie.
The whole cast works together perfectly to give the jokes, jumps, and bloody deaths that will have you laughing throughout the whole movie and talking about it the next day to your friends. Sam Richardson as Finn Wheeler and Milana Vayntrub as Cecily Moore are hysterical and cast perfectly. I need more Sam and Milana in my life!) I can not think of 2 different actors who could have played those two parts better. Their chemistry is a mix of attraction and confusion and it just works.
Now, there are some things about the movie that drag it down. The special effects are the first. They are pretty bad, but they make you laugh. The transformation and look of the Werewolf are probably the worst I have seen in a movie, but it fits the movie. (Doesn’t take its self seriously, and is again campy.) Also, if you are really good at unraveling mysteries you will figure out who the Werewolf is pretty early on in the movie, but the characters and deaths in the movie are so entertaining you are not mad you figured it out early. So, how would I rate Werewolves Within?
My Rating
I give Werewolves Within a solid B+ rating. While the movie is predictable and a little campy it is still a bloody good time and worth a watch. It is worth buying, and the perfect addition to your monster movie collection. I hope they make a sequel because I need more Werewolves Within! P.S. The movie is not for kids. Haha!
Werewolves Within Synopsis
After a proposed pipeline creates divisions within the small town of Beaverfield, and a snowstorm traps its residents together inside the local inn, newly arrived forest ranger Finn (Sam Richardson) and postal worker Cecily (Milana Vayntrub) must try to keep the peace and uncover the truth behind a mysterious creature that has begun terrorizing the community.